UNICEF is the world’s farthest-reaching humanitarian organization for children and we have been working in Canada for more than 60 years. We work tirelessly in the world’s most complex situations to bring life-saving aid and long-term support to children and their families.

Our commitment to helping every child survive and reach their potential is also our commitment to using every donor dollar effectively and efficiently.

A blue pie graph shows that UNICEF Canada gets 89% of its revenue from fundraising, 10% from government and other grants, and 1% from product sales and other income.     A dark blue pie graph shows that UNICEF Canada spends 71% on Contribution to children, 21% on Mobilizing funds from people across Canada, and 4% on Administration and accountability.     A third and final pie graph shows the breakdown of UNICEF Canada’s Contribution to children: 41% to Emergency Response, 32% to Highest priority needs, 14%

Note: Funds to UNICEF Global Headquarters from Global Affairs Canada are not included as a source of revenue.

For more information, visit unicef.ca/WhereYourMoneyGoes 

We work with governments and a variety of stakeholders to ensure that funding decisions are data-driven, results-oriented, scalable and are supported by the communities where we work. And our ability to collaborate with governments around the world to scale up UNICEF projects means that the impact of donor dollars is multiplied many times over.


We are one of only 276 charities across Canada to meet the rigorous accountability guidelines of the Imagine Canada Standards Program. With this accreditation, you can be assured that UNICEF Canada has met the highest standards for:

  • Board Governance
  • Financial Accountability and Transparency
  • Fundraising
  • Staff Management
  • Volunteer Involvement