Children whose basic needs and fundamental rights are denied cannot be expected to mature into caring, productive adults who will respect the rights of others. Rights violations are not only the cause of personal suffering; they also sow the seeds for political and social unrest, even for violent conflict. Rights issues touch everyone's lives, whether directly or indirectly.

Learning about the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is one way to begin. This book helps educators and youth to understand that rights issues are not something that affect people only in faraway places, but are also alive and relevant in their own communities.

Part 1: Introduction

This section provides readers with a background to the Convention and an overview of the activities in the guide.

Part 2: Activities for Learning About the CRC

This is the first of two sections with activities designed to help students understand the CRC in depth and consider its impact on their lives and those of others.

Part 3: More Activities for Learning About the CRC

Part 4: Planning for Action

Part Four suggests activities that can be used, either independently or in sequence, to help young people plan ways of taking action on a rights issue.

Part 5: In and Out of School, Different Ways of Using the Activities

The activities included in this section can be used in a variety of settings, from a one session introductory workshop to a unit of study in a school curriculum.
