Your email can save a life today

Subscribing to our newsletter is more than just being a part of yet another email list. By joining, you are making your vote participating in the fight for child survival. You will become a part of a global effort to keep children safe, no matter the circumstances. Your participation can save a life.

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How is joining an email list helping children? 

Through our field reports, news and appeals you will become a well-informed supporter. You will not only be able to stand behind the cause that is the most important to you but also educate others. Every time you share a UNICEF campaign, you amplify the voice of children just a little more. 

Types of emails you will receive from UNICEF Canada:

  • Updates about where your donations are going
  • Reports and children’s stories from the field
  • Updates about the situation of children in conflict zones
  • Appeals and updates for the most concerning emergencies
  • News about UNICEF Canada’s work

From our donors:

“I enjoy the format of the email- summary of all the work that UNICEF does in bite-size readable format.”

“These emails are important in order to know what is happening in the world and what I can do to help if and whenever I am able. I like the work that is done and getting the emails have been a positive way for me to learn about what UNICEF is doing.”

“I use the emails I receive to teach my Grade 3 students about global citizenship.”

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