UNICEF Canada’s Youth Advocates are dedicated activists for children and youth’s rights. Discover how they are amplifying voices from coast-to-coast on issues that matter to them.

Clara (she/her), 17

I believe youth voices will create a better world. Youth must participate in decision-making to ensure their future in the world is reflective of their needs, and to ensure the well-being of the planet and all species. My advocacy journey has been inspired by the incredible youth advocates I have been privileged to volunteer with. I have seen how many hearts and minds working together can make positive change for our world.

Jaelin (she/her), 18,

I am an advocate because I believe in the importance of ensuring that young people's voices are represented. I am very fortunate to be able to advocate and feel a responsibility to play a role in this. I understand the importance of having the input of young people considered in major political and social decisions, and I work to contribute to this inclusion as best as I can.

Matin (she/her), 24
British Columbia

I truly believe that those who dare to dream of changing the world are the ones who actually do. I think I'm one of those dreamers crazy enough to join a team aiming to make the world a better place. I believe that every good change starts with making people aware of the problems we face and educating them. I see the world as a reflection of our actions as humans, and I choose to live a life filled with purpose. I think every young person deserves a seat at the table and has to feel empowered enough to use their voice and demand change for a better future, and this drives my passion for advocacy.

Reeana (she/her), 21

I am an advocate because I believe there is a dire need to contribute toward ensuring that youth have a seat at the table and are a part of decision-making processes. I am passionate about youth involvement as well as social justice advocacy, and I would like to continue to advance my skills in these areas. What motivates me about being involved in advocacy is seeing real change happening and seeing ideas come to life.

SunMin (she/her), 23
New Brunswick

My lived experiences growing up helped me find my voice and further fueled my passion to make a difference. I have never felt more in my element, and I hope to continue sharing and fulfilling my passion and commitment as an advocate of health equity through a career in medicine and public health. I want to be a catalyst for positive changes to make more progress on improving access to quality, safe, and inclusive healthcare for all, as well as ensuring science- and evidence-based holistic healthcare practice and policies that encapsulate the many social determinants of health.

Karel (he/they), 18

I have been passionate about making change since I was young. I have continued my advocacy to this day. I am an LGBTQ racialized individual, and I think even if I was not, I have a duty to try and help people gain access to the things I am very lucky to have. I have seen how people's prejudices have affected me, and I do not want the same to happen to other people.

Olivia (she/her), 17,

I am an advocate because I am deeply passionate about social justice, human rights, and environmental activism. What motivates me is the opportunity to use my voice and actions to drive positive change and create a more equitable and sustainable world. I believe in helping people who may not know where to start, amplifying voices that are often unheard, and contributing to building a better future for all. Advocacy allows me to make a meaningful impact and address crucial issues that affect our society.

Mihir (he/him), 16

I am an advocate because I am driven to empower others and foster social change. Being an advocate allows me to speak up for those who may lack the same opportunities or resources, thus advocating for social justice and equality in our society. I find inspiration in empowering others and raising awareness about important issues. I advocate to make a difference and contribute to a more just and inclusive world for future generations.

Katie (she/her), 18

I believe that it is crucial for people to come together and speak up about the issues we are passionate about, especially in a society where many individuals feel overburdened by injustice and discrimination. It is especially important for young people to have a say on the issues that affect us, and it is important for youth to connect and learn from each other about various advocacy issues.


I advocate for Indigiqueer, disabled equity, mental health and overall human rights. I am a strong advocate for the decolonization of the concept of gender.

I suffered from depression and suicidality from a young age. I realized when I was young that I was not alone in my feelings of depression and pain, and that many people were suffering as I was, whether from bigotry and oppression or unfortunate life circumstances. I decided I needed to help people because I wanted to live in a world where nobody had to feel the way I felt.


I am an advocate because I have seen how certain issues have affected those my age and myself, and I believe that youth can be powerful advocates for one another. Something that motivates me about being an advocate is seeing the positive change that has already been created by youth!

British Columbia

I am passionate about consulting, public policy, and impact. I advocate against poverty and for youth in conflict. I am a youth advocate to make sustainable policy change that impacts our daily lives. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, canoeing, and am an avid DJ of music from all cultures.


I strongly believe in the transformative power of advocacy to bring about meaningful change for individuals and communities. I have seen firsthand how youth can catalyze positive action in policies and systems, and wish to continue amplifying their voices and advocating for their needs. Together, we can create a brighter future where everyone is empowered and has the opportunity to thrive.


I believe being a youth advocate is important. Not only for us, but for the next generation's future. Unfortunately, the world will never be perfect. However, we can try our best to make it as best as possible. With that, it is important to recognize that one voice can change so much, and with that idea in my mind, I strive to make a difference. With so many issues in this world, it is essential to speak up and raise awareness to help make a change.


As a son, a brother, uncle and godparent, I want to keep this country a great place to make and raise a family. I know that I can bring a fresh perspective with my decision-making skills. I know I can truly make a difference and I will work hard, to make sure everyone in this country's voices are heard.

Nova Scotia

My lived experiences growing up in rural Nova Scotia and as a woman of color have grounded my interests in wanting to give back to my community while creating spaces that leave no one behind. I am constantly inspired by all the relationships I have built with like-minded changemakers and all the advocates who have shared their stories. I hope to propel social justice movements that are important to me, amplify the experiences of my peers, and to contribute to creating meaningful, positive change.


Fortuitously, I was born into a privileged environment. Recognizing this, I consider it my responsibility to empower others and cultivate environments characterized by equity, where every individual can flourish. To me, advocacy entails extending a symbolic hand to fellow members of society, facilitating the realization of our rightful aspirations, unhindered by obstacles.


I have always wished to inspire positive change into the world, and advocacy is a way to do exactly that. Through advocacy, the voices of those who may not otherwise share their opinions, such as youth, can be amplified, and their opinions on issues that directly affect them. Through my advocacy I would like to aid and positively change the lives of as many people as possible.


Jade Anne (she/her), 23

Being an advocate means making a difference on an individual and community level. Even if I can help just one individual be heard, I will feel accomplished in my work. I am an advocate because I am part of marginalized groups and have experienced what it is like to be vulnerable.

Emriel (he/they), 23

I am an advocate because I face barriers and see how issues reside unknowingly over other young people. I want to educate to liberate. Young people deserve to know the systematic reasoning behind their reality, and how they can better their reality through civic engagement and political actions.

Blanche (she/her), 24
British Columbia

The rights of children has always been a passion of mine. As a kid, I could not understand that others were not being treated the same way I was or receiving the same education as me. My fight was, is and continues to be for every child to feel and be seen in this world, and to obtain equal opportunities as their peers. We, as young people, are the future of our nation and of the world, and our voices need to be heard.

Oswaldo Andrés (he/him), 18

I strongly believe that we, as individuals and community members, need to get into motion to drive the change we care and need to see. Our values need to be represented. Raising our voices and doing the work helps. I’m passionate about social and environmental issues, and wish to work for a sustainable future.