Nour’s story

Nour and her family fled their home due to increased fighting during the conflict in Syria in 2011. She later lost her mother to cancer, and suffered personal tragedy. But education has given her a chance at a better future.

Watch Nour’s incredible story of courage and hope below.

Nour’s story

Gifts in Wills help ensure that UNICEF can support the next generation of children to receive the education they have a right to.

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In 2015, Nour underwent surgery which resulted in the amputation of her leg due to medical complications. Forced to recover away from her family, with no access to education, Nour missed out on years of learning but remained determined. UNICEF has helped her succeed.

Nour stands using crutches in front of demolished buildings.
Nour stands using crutches in front of demolished buildings.

UNICEF Canada’s work to give children like Nour a fair chance is only made possible through the generosity of our supporters. Gifts in Wills are one of the most powerful ways to protect the right to a childhood for future generations.

If you’d like to know more about leaving a legacy gift in your Will, then request our free, no-obligation brochure below.

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