Every time you help save a child, there’s hope.

Some children have the most unimaginable childhoods, facing risks to their health, a lack of nutrition, natural disasters, war and limited opportunities for education. Through all of this, UNICEF provides the most important antidote – HOPE.

With UNICEF’s support children have the opportunity to realise their full potential. The video below tells the stories of 5 such exceptional people: Ishmael – a former child soldier, Juan Carlos – who lost his limbs to a landmine, Agamemnon – born in the aftermath of an earthquake, Salimatu – who contracted Ebola and Livey – a pregnant HIV-positive teenager. With UNICEF’s help, these children overcame adversity, were able to thrive and give back to their communities.

Click on the video below to see and hear their stories.

Every child has the right to a childhood

UNICEF believes every child deserves to grow up safe, healthy and happy. Across 190 countries and territories, and in the world’s toughest places, we work day in and day out to help children survive. To defend their rights. To keep them protected, healthy and educated. To give them a fair chance to fulfil their potential.

Today, generous UNICEF Canada supporters are transforming the lives of vulnerable children like Livey, Juan Carlos, Agamemnon, Salamatu and Ishmael all over the world because of a decision they made, sometimes many years ago. That decision was to support UNICEF Canada with a gift in their Will, something we hope you will consider.

You can download our Legacy Giving brochure to find out more about how you can leave a legacy in your Will.