Global Hunger Crisis Threatens Children

Each day, hundreds of thousands of children face the devastating – and often deadly – effects of malnutrition. The COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and conflicts continue to fuel insecurity and instability for millions across the world, leading to the worst global hunger and malnutrition crisis in a generation.

In the Horn of Africa region, Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia are experiencing the worst drought in decades. At least 1.7 million children are facing malnutrition – and this could rise to over 2 million if the rains fail again.

The ongoing war in Ukraine has pushed more people into hunger and malnutrition, while disrupting supply lines and stopping food production. This has caused already soaring global food prices to further increase and make nutritious food almost unaffordable for many countries like Somalia, which imports 90% of its wheat from Ukraine or Russia. Escalating fuel prices and supply chain issues also continue to impact the situation.

We have the proven solutions at hand to reduce malnutrition. Efficient and cost-effective treatments do exist. But over the next six months, the cost of Plumpy’Nut®, the Ready to Use Therapeutic Food supplement that UNICEF uses to treat children with malnutrition, is projected to increase by 16%.

Without immediate action, the hunger crisis could impact the health of millions more living in already vulnerable situations and set back decades of progress.

Child Rights Must Be Prioritized

UNICEF Canada recognizes the Government of Canada’s leadership on global nutrition and those at-risk. But more must be done. Canada must champion urgent and continued action to address the global hunger crisis at the G7 Leaders’ Summit taking place June 26-28.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Government of Canada have a critical opportunity to champion children’s rights and avert the hunger crisis to save lives and livelihoods.

This includes providing support by:

  • Pledging $600 million to close the funding gap and prevent millions of people from malnutrition, including funds for prevention, early detection and treatment of malnutrition;
  • Increasing flexible funding to avert the hunger crisis;
  • Promoting nutrition response based on gender equality to ensure women and girls are not left behind.

Take Action Now

With more children facing malnutrition each day, we cannot wait any longer. It is time to act for children and their right to nutrition, protection, health, education and a safe, sustainable future.

We are calling on you now to help ensure Canada champions urgent action to address the global hunger crisis at the G7 Leaders’ Summit taking place June 26-28.

Send a message directly to Prime Minister Trudeau using your Twitter account.