Guest blog by Ann Douglas
When your baby has a fever, you reach for a thermometer. The tiny snapshot of information that the thermometer provides can help you to decide just how sick your child is—and whether or not a quick trip to the doctor’s office is in order.
The Canadian Index of Child and Youth Well-being is designed to function like a social policy “thermometer.” Its purpose is to measure and communicate how well Canadian children and youth are actually doing, as opposed to how well we think they are doing, so that we can guide our policy decisions moving forward.
Because, as it turns out, there’s a considerable gap: a gap between our perceptions of how we think we’re doing in terms of safeguarding the health and wellbeing of our children and youth and the actual reality on the ground.
For more than a decade, Canada has been ranked in the middle of the pack when it comes to international measures of child and youth well-being for wealthy industrialized nations like ours. This news will no doubt come as a surprise to many Canadians. We have a tendency to think of ourselves as world leaders when it comes to the well-being of children and youth when, in fact, the available evidence tells us that we’re not.