A tiny bundle wrapped in a red coat is carried into a health clinic in Herat, west Afghanistan. Hidden inside is Parwana, a frail four-year-old girl. She weighs just 9 kg, and she barely has the strength to lift her head. A nutrition counsellor diagnoses Parwana with severe acute malnutrition.

Thanks in part to the kindness of people leaving a gift to UNICEF in their Will, Parwana receives sachets of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF), a fortified peanut paste that helps children recover from malnutrition.

The impact of eating the nutritious peanut paste is almost immediate. Energized and feeling a little stronger, Parwana begins to interact with people around her. Two weeks later, she is visibly healthier, and has gained a kilogram in weight.

A long road to health

From there, it's a long road back to health. When Parwana fails to make further progress, she is referred to a specialist who diagnoses an adverse reaction to wheat – Coeliac Disease. It means her family can give her the right food, and help her recover.

Across Afghanistan, after years of drought, conflict and turmoil, millions of children are in the same situation as Parwana. With the help of supporters leaving a gift in their Will, UNICEF is funding and providing supply for nutrition counsellors, nurses and mobile health teams, so that children in the most remote areas get the treatment and care they need.

Two years on, Parwana is very small for her age. Years of severe malnutrition and sickness have taken their toll on this little girl. A lack of nutrition has hindered her physical and cognitive development. No one would believe that her sister, Afsana, a foot bigger than her, is her younger sibling.

Parwana a young child at home, a year after recovering from severe acute malnutrition.

A zest for life and learning

Parwana is now full of joy, warmth and affection, with rosy cheeks and a zest for life and learning. When she is asked the best thing about being healthy, she smiles and says, “School!”

Parwana goes to a community school that is also supported by UNICEF, in the camp for internally displaced people where they live. Her Mum adds that every day Parwana asks, “Is it 1pm yet? I can’t be late for school!”

While we talk with her Mum, Parwana interrupts to say, “I want to be tall! I need more food and medicine.” When you think of all the material things children her age want – dolls, toys, clothes, electronic devices – her request is so humble.

Now she has her health, Parwana has the freedom to enjoy school, to play and learn, and to change her future. And this is only possible thanks in part to gifts in Wills from people like you.

Your legacy gift could give more children like Parwana the chance to lead healthier lives, and fulfil their potential.

Find out how your legacy could help children like Parwana have a healthy future.