Legacy Giving Frequently Asked Questions

A gift in your Will costs you nothing today but will help ensure that UNICEF can continue to support children for generations to come. Here are answers to some of the frequently asked questions about legacy giving.

How do I leave a gift in my Will to UNICEF Canada?

Leaving a legacy gift to UNICEF Canada is easy. We have developed a free gift in Will guide which has more information to help you consider this decision in your own time. The guide walks you through the process in detail, including these four simple steps:

  1. Use a solicitor to ensure that your wishes will be carried out as you would want.
  2. Think about your assets and the people and/or organizations you would like to leave them to. If you would like to leave a gift to UNICEF you’ll need our charity details which are here.
  3. Appoint one or more people to be your Executor who will be responsible for carrying out the instructions in your Will. This can be a friend, relative, or your solicitor.
  4. Make a copy of your Will and ensure someone you trust knows the location of the original. Your solicitor will be able to advise on storage.

What types of gifts can I leave?

The different types of gifts you can include in your Will include:

Residuary gift – leaving a percentage of your estate means that the proportion of your gift remains the same, regardless of the changes in the value of your estate in the intervening years, and protects the distribution of your estate as you initially intended.
Pecuniary gift – a fixed sum of money. 
Specific items – such as shares, property or jewellery. 
Contingency gift – a gift through your estate only after a change in circumstances occurs, whereby all other original named beneficiaries have passed.

Why should I leave a gift in my Will?

Leaving a gift in your Will to UNICEF will help support children in more 190 countries with vaccines, clean water and education. Gifts in Wills of all sizes also allow us to plan and develop our long-term programs with confidence. Your legacy will be a world where children and the many generations that follow them will have the chance to thrive.

How does UNICEF spend the money?

As the world’s farthest-reaching organization for children, we ensure more of the world’s children are vaccinated, educated and protected. We work closely with communities, local partner organizations and governments to ensure that the projects we fund are effective and create real impact for children.

I already have a Will and would like to update it to include UNICEF.

If you’ve already written a Will, it’s a simple process to revise it to include a gift to UNICEF Canada. Depending on the changes that you would like to make, it may be possible to use an additional document called a ‘codicil’ to make your amendments. Please speak to your lawyer about the best course of action to take.

Can I say where I want my gift to be used?

Keeping your gift for general purposes means our teams can use it where the need is greatest for children at the time. Leaving a gift to a specific type of work or location might mean that we cannot fulfil your wishes if we are no longer doing that work or in a particular area. However, we would be more than pleased to speak to you further about your specific wishes.

What happens if I change my mind?

We understand that life is full of unexpected events, so you are free to change your mind about leaving a gift in your Will to UNICEF Canada at any time. If you’ve told us you are intending to leave us a gift, it would be helpful to let us know if that changes.

Do I need to let you know if I’ve included UNICEF Canada in my Will?

You don’t have to tell us if you’ve left a gift to children in your Will, but we are always happy to hear from our supporters and it is very helpful for us to know. It helps us better support you with your intentions and helps us plan more efficiently for the future. We can also keep you informed about our work for children around the world.

What’s UNICEF Canada’s address and charity number?

If you want to include UNICEF Canada in your Will, it’s important to use our full name and details, to ensure your gift reaches us. Our organization details for your solicitor/Will-writer are as follows: 

Official Name: The Canadian UNICEF Committee
Charitable Registration Number: 122680572 RR0001
UNICEF Canada – 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 400, Toronto, Ontario M4P 2Y3

If you choose to remember UNICEF in your Will then we want to say thank you. We understand that your Will is a personal matter but letting us know your intentions will help us make plans for children’s futures and means we can thank you properly for your support. For further information, download your free legacy giving guide or get in touch with us at 1 800 567 4483 ext. 8852, or email bequests@unicef.ca.