UNICEF supporter and volunteer Madeleine King explains why she chose to leave her legacy for children.

“Giving back is something that I’ve thought about a lot in my career in law, as a city councilor and as a longtime volunteer with UNICEF”, says Madeleine.

“It has driven me to want to make a difference. Not just for now, but for generations to come. That includes making a long-term impact in helping to change this world.”

A lifelong desire

Madeleine is determined to support the issues that matter to her now – and after she is gone. She has a lifelong desire to help people who are struggling to survive against famine, disaster and poverty. Especially children.

And that’s why Madeleine has decided to leave a gift to UNICEF in her Will. “It was the natural thing to do, it was the right thing to do,” she says. “And I’m proud to have done it.”

Improving children’s lives

As a UNICEF volunteer for many years, Madeleine has given her time and energy to help improve children’s lives. And she has seen first-hand how UNICEF is supporting children through some of the toughest situations.

“I believe that leaving a gift in my Will is making a long-term commitment,” she adds. 

“While it may be years before my commitment comes into effect, I have full confidence that UNICEF will still be here, continuing to do the work that I so admire now.”

Our life-changing work with children worldwide would not be possible without the compassion and long-term vision of supporters such as Madeleine. By choosing to leave a gift in their will to UNICEF, Madeleine and many others like her are making a lasting commitment that will help to shape the future for children in years to come. 

Would you like to leave your legacy for children’s futures? Find out more about making a gift in your Will to UNICEF today.