
Seeing Tshiela sitting alone in the shell of her burned out classroom, it would be easy to lose heart. But thanks to caring people like you who support UNICEF’s life-changing work, there is hope.

A few metres away from the site of the horrible memory she carries, Tshiela is now attending school in a temporary UNICEF classroom. In the DRC, and in other crisis-affected countries, UNICEF provides tents, tarpaulins and semi-permanent classroom structures to serve as learning spaces. As well, with your support, our teams are rebuilding schools and distributing school supplies, uniforms and backpacks.

Help rewrite the future for children like Tshiela.

Getting children like Tshiela back to school in emergencies is critical. It not only helps them learn, it helps them heal, play and just be kids again.

When children go to school:

  • They are less likely to be exploited or forced into marriage
  • They learn how to peacefully resolve conflicts, which is key to ending cycles of violence
  • They gain the skills needed to be productive adults – to get jobs and lift themselves, their families and their countries out of poverty

Please make your donation today. Help send more children like Tshiela back to school in the DRC and around the world. Together, let’s make sure no child is left behind.