
In Kasai Province, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), 2.3 million children are in urgent need of humanitarian aid. More than 400,000 children suffer from severe malnutrition and are at risk of dying. These children have witnessed or are victims of extreme violence and thousands of them have been forced to join armed militia groups. Those who have managed to escape are now attempting to piece together some semblance of a normal life.

In our line of work, it can often seem like no matter what we do, the world just keeps on spinning out of control. Children suffer. Children starve. Children are out of school. At UNICEF, we try our best to protect them. To feed them. To get them back in school. We make a lot of noise, and sometimes the world hears us, sometimes it doesn’t. But we carry on anyway. We have no other choice because the cries and pleas of children are too deafening to our ears.

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