Help save the lives of vulnerable children like Nyajime

It’s hard to imagine how Nyajime’s father must have felt, watching his little girl slip away. When fighting broke out near their home in South Sudan, the family fled and struggled to survive. By the time they arrived at a UNICEF-supported clinic, Nyajime was severely malnourished and in her weakened state, she had also contracted tuberculosis.

Just in time…

nyajime healthy again

Nyajime was immediately given fortified therapeutic milk, and medication to combat the tuberculosis. Within 2 weeks she was on the path to a full recovery. Today, the 4-year-old has a second chance at life, thanks to caring people like you who support UNICEF’s life-saving work.


Nyajime’s story is one of hope. But far too many children don’t have a happy ending.


Ongoing civil conflicts, poverty, climate change and other escalating crises in South Sudan, Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen, have put 1.2 million children at risk of death from severe acute malnutrition.


UNICEF field workers are spread across the region, trying desperately to reach children with treatment for malnutrition, immunization and safe water and sanitation services. But they’re stretched to the limit. We must scale up our efforts now to prevent more children from dying.


Please make a donation today. Help provide life-saving food for more children like Nyajime.


Just $12 can provide 21 packets of Plumpy’Nut® — enough high-protein therapeutic food to feed an undernourished child for one week. And just $43 would cover the cost of 50 sachets of therapeutic milk to feed 10 children.

nyajime recovered from malnourishment

Your donation will also help UNICEF continue to run nutrition programs in more than 120 countries in an effort to reduce global malnutrition rates. The stark reality is that about 50 million children under the age of 5 suffer from severe acute malnutrition. And 45% of all child deaths are linked to malnutrition. Please help.


Your gift today could be the difference between life or death.